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Fingernails are made of a protein called keratin, A healthy finger nail has the function of protecting the distal phalanx, the fingertip, and the surrounding soft tissues from injuries. It also serves to enhance precise delicate movements of the distal digits through counter-pressure exerted on the pulp of the finger.The nail then acts as a counterforce when the end of the finger touches an object, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of the fingertip, even though there are no nerve endings in the nail itself. Finally, the nail functions as a tool, enabling for instance a so called "extended precision grip" (e.g. pulling out a splinter in one's finger).

2 months of growth after an accident.
Nails grow at an average rate of 3 mm (0.12 in) a month.Fingernails require 3 to 6 months to regrow completely, and toenails require 12 to 18 months. Actual growth rate is dependent upon age, gender, season, exercise level, diet, and hereditary factors. Nails grow faster in the summer than in any other season.

What happens if i eat my own fingernails?

eating your nails will not kill you but it can wear down tooth enamel and cause damage to teeth. Also, the area under the fingernails is one of the dirtiest places on your body. Putting your hands in your mouth (without washing them first) is a way to get sick and biting your nails only makes things worse.sharp nails you swallow could damage the epithelial lining of your esophagus and stomach (giving a possibility for infections), In the end you will get:

    * Split and fractured nails.
    * Bleeding around the nails.
    * Infections.
    * Pain.

Nail biting is a habit that is not easy to quit. Nail biting is also a reflection of extreme nervousness or inability to handle stressful situations. We tend to start biting them whenever confronted with a stressful event or moment. If you are tired of the nail stubs and bleeding, try these simple remedies:

- Confront your problem.

- Visualize yourself with healthy nails, and how great they will look.

- Pick at least one nail to "protect" at a time.

  • After a few days, an non-bitten nail will flourish and reward you. Do not bite it.
  • Once you have grown your non-bitten nail for a while, start protecting another one. And another. And another, until every single nail is protected.
- Eat calcium and magnesium - rich foods so that your nails will repair and grow well.

- Find a habit to take the place of nail biting.  Whenever you have the urge to bite, do that instead. Some people like to drum their fingers, or just stare at their hands. Just make sure it's not a bad habit; choose a helpful one or one that doesn't really matter either way.

- Distract your mouth. Eat carrot sticks to keep you busy. Keep a stick of gum handy for those weak moments.

- Distract your hands by taking up a hobby.
  • A hobby to distract your hands might be making models or maintaining your house, knitting or crochet, running or other outside pursuits, or even nail care and decoration! Distract your hands at times when you usually bite your nails ( car rides, sitting in class, watching TV, ect...).
- Cover your nails. For females, fit artificial nails. They can really help.
  • Keep gloves in your back pocket and wear them when you want to bite.

- If you have any surplus growth, cut your nails back. Keep clippers with you at all times. You can't bite if there's nothing there!

- Speaking about your nails will help to focus your mind on your goals. Ask for help from your partner(s). Keep talking about your goals.

  • Show off your improved nails', and get much-needed encouragement and praise from your peers.

- Be proud of your improving nails. They will shine with beauty.

- Go for a manicure, and chat with the manicurist about having great nails.

Tips :
  • To keep you motivated, or remind you how bad your nails used to look, you can record your progress in a notebook or photo album. Take "before and after" photos of your nails and put them in the book to keep you motivated. Recognizing that it usually takes three weeks to grow nails half a centimeter, chart out in the book how long you want your nails to be by a certain date.
  • Get to know yourself, the first step is to be conscious when you start biting your nails. Feel your anxiety or stress levels.
  • Don't start thinking there is a short term solution. To stop nail biting, one requires patience and awareness.
  • Try putting comfortable band-aids over your nails. take them off then you go to bed. When you stop subconsciously biting them, stop putting them on.
  • Try using a coating that seals moisture in the nail and repels water and dirt. Oils or even waxy lip balm can be effective at softening nails.
  • Keep going with the program, any setbacks should be confronted as quickly as possible, to prevent a complete relapse.
  • Let white spots grow out gently. They are caused by blows or stress to the nail.
  • Try keeping an "egg" of Silly Putty with you! It is fun to play with and it occupies your hands during biting-prone times like while watching movies or television or sitting in class. Or you can try keeping a quarter or other coin in your pocket, and play with it when you feel the urge to bite your nails. Plus, these don't involve eating or chewing on anything, so they will help break the habit of oral fixation.
  • Challenge yourself: how many hours can you go without taking a bite? When you break a previous record, get yourself a treat. Then see: can you go a day? Three days? a week? two weeks?
  • Clean, manicured nails will be such an improvement to your self-esteem. You'll see!
  • See if you can notice how or when you decide to start biting. There may be an underlying cause of stress, nerves or boredom perhaps. Dealing with the underlying and real issue could stop the nail biting and more.
  •  As your nails/skin grow, they will seem puffy and itchy. This is normal! This fudge-finger sensation will go away in time.
  • Think of your appearance towards others. People tend to find severely short nails as a turn off and very gross.

Warnings :
  •  Don't be silly and replace nail-biting with a worse habit. While stubby digits are unhealthy and painful, other habits can be worse.
  • Chewing your fingernails invites infection.
  • Brittle nails can be caused by strong detergents and chemicals, sun exposure, poor diet, or prolonged use of nail hardeners. Avoid the use of hardeners containing formaldehyde, which has a drying effect on nails.
  • Remember beauty is only skin deep. As is ugly. Telling yourself you are ugly will only undermine your self esteem and keep you from being your best. Tell yourself instead that you are a special person and that you deserve to have healthy looking nails too.

Things You'll Need :

  • A balanced diet, rich in beneficial minerals and vitamins: eggs, soy, whole grains and liver are helpful to nails. Sulfurous minerals found in apples, cucumbers, grapes, garlic, asparagus, and onions all help consistent growth. Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are found in salmon, nuts, seeds and tuna. They all help keep nails shiny and pliable. General vitamins and minerals are also important.
  • A notebook to record your progress.